Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

I received this email from Trena just a few minutes ago. Please continue to keep the family in your prayers.

Blessings - Camille

Just thought I would let you know that I made another trip to emergency last night. Evan had a fever. I called his after hours doctor and he said to immediately bring him to the hospital. They wanted to make sure that his spinal fluid did not show any signs of infection. It did not, after a blood test was done to determine that.

So, this makes two emergency trips to the hospital in the middle of the night this week. The first one was on Monday night. Evan was really fussy when he laid down to try to go to sleep, but was fine when he sat or stood up. The hospital thought that his shunt might be plugged, but after a cat scan, it showed that it was fine. He just was being fussy and did not feel good, I guess. We went home and he has slept fine the following nights with the exception for Thursday night, when we had to take him in to emergency for a fever.

I feel like I am kind of numb. After we got done at the hospital just after 5:00 a.m. I drove to the hospital parkade and parked so I could rest a bit before driving. I thought it might be a bit cooler and off the beaten path for Evan and me to rest a bit. At that point, I had already been up for almost 22 hours. I slept off and on until just after 8:00 when there were so many cars coming and going parking in the parkade that I just could not sleep anymore. I am home now, kind of just floating through the house. I am half afraid if I go to sleep now, I will not want to go to bed tonight. I think I will just kind of lay low and try to do some picking up.

I wanted Brandon to shampoo the living room carpet tonight so it would be clean for Sunday. There are so many spots and stains on it.

God is good and He is faithful. In our weaknesses, He gives us His incredible strength.May He be glorified always!

David, Trena & family

1 comment:

Treca Robinson said...

Evan you are proving to be a miracle every time I turn around. I am astonished at the way you have learned to walk already and not only walk, but you have mastered it to the point that you are walking with control. You amaze me with the speech you are picking up on and everything else you are doing.

I pray for God ot keep you folded within his hands daily. You are a true little angel.

It is even awesome to see the fire in your temper showing when you think things are not going your way. Mommy, Daddy, and the rest of us will be showing you other ways to express yourself, but it shows me just how much of a real (healthy) little boy you are.

Loving you and enjoying watching your progress,

Auntie Treca