Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

Update from Trena:

Evan's surgery is set for sometime late this afternoon. I don't have an exact time, we have been told several different times, but nothing is set in concrete. I do know that he is 4th on the surgery schedule for today with his surgeon, so I imagine it just depends on how the surgeries go for the ones before Evan.

Evan has been a bit on the fussy side today. I am sure a lot of this is due to the fact that he has not had anything to eat since last night. His little tummy has to be empty for the surgery. He has asked for a banana.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We feel them constantly! God is faithful and may He be glorified through this whole ordeal and always!!

Love, Trena

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was with mixed emotion I read that Little Evan was going in for his Shunt surgery...Bless his little heart, he has been through so much already, but then we know the Lord has blessed him with healing and prepared his little body for this next step. Please know he, you Trena and your entire family are in our hearts and prayers continually. Much Love
and continued prayers. Uncle Denny and Auntie Sharon
1 Chronicles 16:34