Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Trena sent the following update:

If all goes well after the surgery this coming week...............and if there is not any infections..........................and if, if, if, of the doctors told me yesterday that we might be able to go back home by the end of next week. That would be so nice. I miss being home so much and when the children were here at the hospital on Friday evening, a lot of them really cried and cried when I stayed at the hospital and David took them all home again. It was VERY hard for me and I know it was hard for them, too.

Evan's appetite continues to be back to what he was normally eating (and that was a lot!!). He will have to start that all over again when he has surgery and will not be able to have food for a day or so again.

Evan's sodium level is now consistantly in the normal range, the last one being 136. He is still producing a fair amount of excess CSF, so surgery, at this point, is imminent. He still has a bit of a crooked smile, but that's ok. That's our Evan, whether it be temporary or permanent, it's ok!

I am now staying at the Ronald McDonald house about 6 blocks or so from the hospital. I really don't like being so far away from the hospital at night, but it is nice to not have to tote my luggage back and forth from my sleeping room to Evan's ICU room everyday.

The staff here in this unit and the doctors have been superb!! They have answered my many questions over and over again and some have even given hugs and support when I fell apart a couple of times, just from the stress of not knowing. Above all, God has been faithful and He has been my strength to cope with each minute of each one of my precious friends told day at a breath at a time............and sometimes that it just what it is!!

I really appreciate the many comments and prayers that have been sent our way! They have been so encouraging and I go back and re-read them several times...........again and again. We are abundantly blessed with so many caring friends! My cup overflows!!

Blessings, Trena


Janie99352 said...

All of the news today, seems so wonderful, and I have cryed over this report as well as many others..THANK YOU LORD, FOR TAKING CARE OF TRENA AND EVAN AND THE REST OF THE FAMILY, YOU ARE SO ALSOME LORD..
Vera has been so good to me when I was in the hospital, and now she is a little burnt out, and needs a few days away from me, but maybe by the time sergery is again, I can get their..We need to pray for Vera, that she will bring me up to see Evan..Love Grandma Janie

Treca Robinson said...

My little angel, Evan, you are truly a miracle. I'm not sure what God has planned for your life, but it must be something truly awesome. You have crossed many obstacles in your short life and it is a blessing to be able to watch your brothers and sisters as you heal after yet another one. Our prayers are embarking upon a heaven bound journey in your behalf. Everyday, every meal, every time we gather together with two or more of us in an area we always lift you and mommy in our prayers. Keep smiling. It was so wonderful to hear you laugh tonight. You have such a contagious laugh that fills a room with sunshine. We miss this at home and can't wait to have you and mommy back at home with everyone. Keep shining for Jesus little one.


Auntie Treca

Chris White Tucker said...

Again, a thrilling report! Our God is able - and willing - to do mighty things on our behalf!!! And all praise and glory belong to Him! I rejoice to hear the strength in your missive, my dear sister - God has carried you through the deep waters, and through the fire, you have not been burned. He has spoken eloquently through your tears and your leaning on Him to the hospital staff - if this reaps no other fruit, much has already been accomplished in the spirit realm and in the hearts and lives of those who watch. May God continue to hold all of you in the palm of His hand and continue to show forth bold exploits in your lives! Praise His glorious name!!! Amen and amen! I love you all - give Seantille & Nicole a special hug for me, Treca. Thanks! Love, Chris

VICTORY said...

I am a husband, father of 6 children, grateful child of the Triune King and Creator of all, and pediatrician out east who made my way to your site via a link on Camille's profile. I have read the entire blog, shed some tears and prayed to our Heavenly Father on behalf of Evan and your family. May you be strengthened and comforted by Him, deeply and personally, at all times, during this most difficult of situations.

My family and I will pray for Evan and your family daily, during our times of family worship before the King of Kings.

Treca Robinson said...

Evan, we are praying for you as you are preparing for your next surgery at 4:30 this afternoon. Keep shining for Jesus. We love and miss you. Wishing you the best.

Love and prayers,
Auntie Treca, Kimberly, Kyle, Ryan, Rachel, Erin, Seantille, and Nicole