Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - Morning Report

The morning report is a little late...my apologies!!! However, we were in Spokane today and got to see Mr. Evan! He was still a bit groggy from the surgery, but had a smile or two for Troy, the kids and I! He also shared his plastic banana with me!

Here is the update from Trena:

Hi, Camille~

Well, when I got here this morning, I heard a very upset little boy. He was NOT a happy camper! We have now given him a small bottle of pedialyte and he kept it down, so as I am typing this he is getting his goat milk formula and pedia sure. He was asking for a bottle when I came into the room. I am sure he is really hungry as it has been since midnight of night before last since he has had anything to eat. He is a pretty easy going little boy, for the most part, EXCEPT when one interferes with his "food" !

They took out his stitches yesterday after his surgery and it looks pretty good where they were. When his hair grows back, it will be difficult to see just where his large incision is located.

Since he was pretty fussy last night, the nurse said that they will most likely keep him in ICU for today and try to move him to the Peds Oncology Unit tomorrow. Who knows, though? Maybe after he starts eating, he might be a totally different child and they might just decide to move him on to the Oncology Unit. Time will tell............

My hope and prayer is that we will get to go home very soon!! This "hospital life" is not the greatest, although I don't want to discredit the staff that is here at Children's Sacred Heart, they have been great!!

We continue to press on.........day by day,,,,,,,,,hour by hour..........minute by minute............. breath by breath........... Thank you for your continuing support and prayers!! We feel totally surrounded by these!


David and Trena

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