Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wednesday, Independence Day, 2007

Independence...for our nation...and for Evan! He has been freed from PICU (Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit)..more below:

Just a little update on our little man! Evan was transferred to the Oncology Unit this morning. He is no longer in Peds ICU!! PTL!! He had a good night last night. The nurse said that he slept all night until 6 this morning and she gave him his bottle. He went back to sleep and was asleep this morning when I got to his room around 8:30. His new room is so much bigger. It has a couch, bathroom/shower, refrigerator, desk, tv, and a couple of chairs. Much more accomadating for visitors.............not so crowded. Although, it would still be nice to be at home. In time................soon.............

Thank you again for uplifting our family and Evan! God is so good, and may He be glorified in ALL that we do and ALL that we are!!

Have a wonderful 4th!!


David, Trena & Evan

1 comment:

Janie99352 said...

Praise God.....SOON VERRY SOON, Evan and family will be able to go home...
Tomorrow morning, I have A test at around 10:oo in the morning. Please Pray they find something...Love Janie