Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Evan had his first check up appointment since he was discharged from the hospital on July 6th. His appointment was with his neurosurgeon and also to do a head CT to check the shunt that he was in his head.

Some of the nurses recognized him at the hospital and could not believe how much better and healthier he looked compared to when he was in the hospital.

Evan had to have a CT of his head and they also had to do what is called a contrasting CT, which requires an IV so that a type of fluid can be put into his veins during the CT. The CT went well and the doctor's appointment went well, but they had a terrible time getting an IV into his arm. It took 3 attempts and 3 different nurses. I remembered the nurse's name so that if we have to do this again, I will be requesting that she do the IV procedure so that it is not so tramatic for Evan (and me!!).

Evan weighed in just over 30#!!! That is 7.5 # heavier than he was 3 or 4 days before he was admitted in the hospital on June 18! Needless to say, he is doing wonderful and is making progess on a daily basis. He is back to walking and running everywhere and saying many more words than he was ever said before! We thank God for our little (maybe not so little anymore) walking, running and talking miracle!!

Evan goes back to the hospital the middle of this month for a tumor clinic appointment where he will have an MRI and then we will meet with several doctors and determine how things are looking on the inside of his little head. I assume that this last appointment we had a couple of days ago and the one coming up will determine just how often we will have to come up to Spokane for his CT's and MRI's.

We thank God for His touch on Evan's life, and will continue to pray that God will completely heal him! Your continued prayers would be much appreciated!

Thank you, everyone, for your many prayers and support that has been shown in so many different ways! God's richest blessings to you!!

David, Trena and Evan

1 comment:

Treca Robinson said...

Glory to God! I thank Him daily for the many miracles I have seen around the house everytime I visit.

Just the other day, Saturday afternoon for that matter, I was in the kitchen when Evan came running in yelling "Teeca, Teeca, Teeca, Sontell, Sontell, blah, blah, jabber jabber, Sontell!" as he ran through the utility room heading for the playroom.

I asked him "What happened,did Seantille kick you out of the playroom?" He looked directly at me and said "Yea!" and mumbled a few more sounds and such.

When I got to the playroom and asked Seantille about it she simply said "Yes, I kicked him out because I am trying to vacuum in here and he kept taking the toys out."

I chuckled and explained how he had just told on her. We both laughed and Evan then came in to the kitchen to help me.

He is truly a miracle that amazes me more each day.

I love you Evan!

Auntie Treca