Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Good news coming your way.....

I was told this morning that Evan will be released from Sacred Heart Children's Hospital either tomorrow or Saturday! We are so excited!!!

The therapist was working with him this morning and he was crawling and doing things with his right hand. This seems to be his weak side with his hand, leg and face (smile and eye). It doesn't help him any when he seems to be dominant left handed, so he has had to try a little bit harder to get his right side to work.

Thank you so much for your much needed prayers, support, love and concern! We truly appreciate it!


David, Trena & Evan


Janie99352 said...

I am home from the hospital, I do not know, what they found if anything, they said that I need to talk to my Dr. and I have an appointment on Monday morning...
Trena, did you know that I am Left Handed?????
Let me know when you go home....Love Janie

Treca Robinson said...

Hurray! Hurray! You made it home. My how you have filled out and I was amazed at how heavy you felt. I was also astonished by the desire and drive you have to want to walk. No sitting on someones lap for long. I enjoyed helping you walk to mommy. Boy, that nanna sure tasted good as well. You did so good using both hands to feed yourself, however, I did have to coax you to use that right hand more that the left. Super job anyway! It is great having you back home.


Auntie Treca