Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Trena sent this to me yesterday, but I did not have a chance to post it until this morning.


Just thought I would get you a little update for Evan. I know that you are busy today as David told me that you guys are going to a wedding. Wishing you a wonderful day! I have LOTS to do here, if you know what I mean.

Evan and I made it home yesterday evening. We finally officially left the hospital around 3:00 p.m. It was so nice to drive from the hospital, knowing that I did not have to return the next day!

It was such a blessing to be able to stay in the Ronald McDonald House for the last week. I read a little bit of history on the Ronald McDonald House and there are only 200 in the United States! I felt so blessed that Spokane would have one for me to stay in!!

Times before the Ronald McDonald House I had stayed at the hospital and showered in the showers at the hospital. I had to take all my luggage/bags with me to Evan's room everyday after I awoke and got showered. I usually slept in a different room the following night. When I finally got into the Ronald McDonald House, it was nice to have a permanent place to just leave all my stuff and not worry about it.

We are asking for a major healing for the remaining brain tumor that the surgeon was not able to get. We were told that it is a slow growing tumor, and that we can expect it to come back. At this point, the treatment plan is to just monitor it with frequent MRI's and cat scans. He first check up is the end of this month and then again the middle of August. After that, it will probably be every 8 weeks or so for the first year. Right now, Evan is on seizure medication, but the plan is to wean him off that in the future. That is a normal med for someone who has had any type of brain trauma.

Evan will have to have some therapy, which will begin sometime next week. At this point, today, he is not walking. But if he got graded on effort, it would be an A+! He was doing some crawling this morning and playing with toys. But, his primary focus is that he wants to walk and stand up. With that determination, I am sure it will not be long before he is in the "race" with keeping up with his siblings.

He has had such a sweet spirit about everything and such a determination to not be just laying in bed. We thank God for His touch on Evan's little life and our family! Remember, please continue to pray for Evan's complete healing! We know God is able and we are trusting that Evan's future will glorify God in a magnificent way!

Unless Camille wants to do periodic updates from time to time, please feel free to leave a comment for me to contact you, or you can e-mail Camille and she can get ahold of me to contact you on Evan's progress.

Thank you again for ALL your prayers and support! We truly appreciate everything!


David, Trena & Evan

(Camille's note: I would be happy to continue to give periodic updates on Evan, if this is something you all would appreciate.)


Janie99352 said...

Yes, please, keep up the log, for people, far away, that need to know how and what to pray for..Love from Grandma Janie

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. Please keep updating us. So glad Evan is home with his family. Will continue to pray for Evan and express thanks for what the Lord has done!
Aunt Jo

Chris White Tucker said...

God be praised for His mighty continuing work on Evan's behalf. I have so appreciated this blog and do not want it to stop... so please update at least weekly, or more often if there is an additional prayer request. You are all loved and I am so thrilled to be a part of this "family" in heart and faith.
I am also praying that you catch up on your rest, Trena, and all the hugs you owe the rest of the kids. :0)
Love, Chris