Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007 - Evening Update

Update from Trena:

Evan is back from his surgery and he is doing fine. He was a bit fussy and crying with a hoarse voice. I held him for a little bit until he settled down and he is now resting peacefully in his bed in the ICU unit.

The doctor/surgeon said that the surgery went really well. They also took out his stitches from his surgery 12 days ago. I am so thankful for the many wonderful things that they can do now with so many life threatening situations AND more than that, I am so thankful for the many prayers and support that has been sent Heaven/ward on his and our behalf. God is faithful and we are being faithful!

We have learned much and still have much to learn. Sometimes it can seem so overwhelming with everything, but one day at a hour at a minute at a time....... one breath at a time...........

Again, we thank all of you for your support, care and prayers.

Blessings to you all.......

Love, David and Trena


Janie99352 said...

Thank You for the report on Evan, and that he is doing so well..Praise God..Thank you Lord....

Chris White Tucker said...

Continue to keep us updated. We love all of you and are praying for Evan's complete and total recovery to the praise and glory of the King of Kings!

Your sister, Chris