Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

I received this email from Trena just a few minutes ago. Please continue to keep the family in your prayers.

Blessings - Camille

Just thought I would let you know that I made another trip to emergency last night. Evan had a fever. I called his after hours doctor and he said to immediately bring him to the hospital. They wanted to make sure that his spinal fluid did not show any signs of infection. It did not, after a blood test was done to determine that.

So, this makes two emergency trips to the hospital in the middle of the night this week. The first one was on Monday night. Evan was really fussy when he laid down to try to go to sleep, but was fine when he sat or stood up. The hospital thought that his shunt might be plugged, but after a cat scan, it showed that it was fine. He just was being fussy and did not feel good, I guess. We went home and he has slept fine the following nights with the exception for Thursday night, when we had to take him in to emergency for a fever.

I feel like I am kind of numb. After we got done at the hospital just after 5:00 a.m. I drove to the hospital parkade and parked so I could rest a bit before driving. I thought it might be a bit cooler and off the beaten path for Evan and me to rest a bit. At that point, I had already been up for almost 22 hours. I slept off and on until just after 8:00 when there were so many cars coming and going parking in the parkade that I just could not sleep anymore. I am home now, kind of just floating through the house. I am half afraid if I go to sleep now, I will not want to go to bed tonight. I think I will just kind of lay low and try to do some picking up.

I wanted Brandon to shampoo the living room carpet tonight so it would be clean for Sunday. There are so many spots and stains on it.

God is good and He is faithful. In our weaknesses, He gives us His incredible strength.May He be glorified always!

David, Trena & family

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Trena sent this to me yesterday, but I did not have a chance to post it until this morning.


Just thought I would get you a little update for Evan. I know that you are busy today as David told me that you guys are going to a wedding. Wishing you a wonderful day! I have LOTS to do here, if you know what I mean.

Evan and I made it home yesterday evening. We finally officially left the hospital around 3:00 p.m. It was so nice to drive from the hospital, knowing that I did not have to return the next day!

It was such a blessing to be able to stay in the Ronald McDonald House for the last week. I read a little bit of history on the Ronald McDonald House and there are only 200 in the United States! I felt so blessed that Spokane would have one for me to stay in!!

Times before the Ronald McDonald House I had stayed at the hospital and showered in the showers at the hospital. I had to take all my luggage/bags with me to Evan's room everyday after I awoke and got showered. I usually slept in a different room the following night. When I finally got into the Ronald McDonald House, it was nice to have a permanent place to just leave all my stuff and not worry about it.

We are asking for a major healing for the remaining brain tumor that the surgeon was not able to get. We were told that it is a slow growing tumor, and that we can expect it to come back. At this point, the treatment plan is to just monitor it with frequent MRI's and cat scans. He first check up is the end of this month and then again the middle of August. After that, it will probably be every 8 weeks or so for the first year. Right now, Evan is on seizure medication, but the plan is to wean him off that in the future. That is a normal med for someone who has had any type of brain trauma.

Evan will have to have some therapy, which will begin sometime next week. At this point, today, he is not walking. But if he got graded on effort, it would be an A+! He was doing some crawling this morning and playing with toys. But, his primary focus is that he wants to walk and stand up. With that determination, I am sure it will not be long before he is in the "race" with keeping up with his siblings.

He has had such a sweet spirit about everything and such a determination to not be just laying in bed. We thank God for His touch on Evan's little life and our family! Remember, please continue to pray for Evan's complete healing! We know God is able and we are trusting that Evan's future will glorify God in a magnificent way!

Unless Camille wants to do periodic updates from time to time, please feel free to leave a comment for me to contact you, or you can e-mail Camille and she can get ahold of me to contact you on Evan's progress.

Thank you again for ALL your prayers and support! We truly appreciate everything!


David, Trena & Evan

(Camille's note: I would be happy to continue to give periodic updates on Evan, if this is something you all would appreciate.)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Good news coming your way.....

I was told this morning that Evan will be released from Sacred Heart Children's Hospital either tomorrow or Saturday! We are so excited!!!

The therapist was working with him this morning and he was crawling and doing things with his right hand. This seems to be his weak side with his hand, leg and face (smile and eye). It doesn't help him any when he seems to be dominant left handed, so he has had to try a little bit harder to get his right side to work.

Thank you so much for your much needed prayers, support, love and concern! We truly appreciate it!


David, Trena & Evan

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wednesday, Independence Day, 2007

Independence...for our nation...and for Evan! He has been freed from PICU (Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit)..more below:

Just a little update on our little man! Evan was transferred to the Oncology Unit this morning. He is no longer in Peds ICU!! PTL!! He had a good night last night. The nurse said that he slept all night until 6 this morning and she gave him his bottle. He went back to sleep and was asleep this morning when I got to his room around 8:30. His new room is so much bigger. It has a couch, bathroom/shower, refrigerator, desk, tv, and a couple of chairs. Much more accomadating for visitors.............not so crowded. Although, it would still be nice to be at home. In time................soon.............

Thank you again for uplifting our family and Evan! God is so good, and may He be glorified in ALL that we do and ALL that we are!!

Have a wonderful 4th!!


David, Trena & Evan

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - Evening Report

Time for a laugh.....

Evan has been eating and drinking his goat milk formula/pedialyte bottles pretty well today and he has taken two long naps on his own, one being just a little over two hours long!

One thing that he did today that was kind of cute: He got ahold of the TV remote which also has the NURSE call light and he pushed it!! Not just once, but twice!

The nurses thought was pretty cute, too!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - Morning Report

The morning report is a little apologies!!! However, we were in Spokane today and got to see Mr. Evan! He was still a bit groggy from the surgery, but had a smile or two for Troy, the kids and I! He also shared his plastic banana with me!

Here is the update from Trena:

Hi, Camille~

Well, when I got here this morning, I heard a very upset little boy. He was NOT a happy camper! We have now given him a small bottle of pedialyte and he kept it down, so as I am typing this he is getting his goat milk formula and pedia sure. He was asking for a bottle when I came into the room. I am sure he is really hungry as it has been since midnight of night before last since he has had anything to eat. He is a pretty easy going little boy, for the most part, EXCEPT when one interferes with his "food" !

They took out his stitches yesterday after his surgery and it looks pretty good where they were. When his hair grows back, it will be difficult to see just where his large incision is located.

Since he was pretty fussy last night, the nurse said that they will most likely keep him in ICU for today and try to move him to the Peds Oncology Unit tomorrow. Who knows, though? Maybe after he starts eating, he might be a totally different child and they might just decide to move him on to the Oncology Unit. Time will tell............

My hope and prayer is that we will get to go home very soon!! This "hospital life" is not the greatest, although I don't want to discredit the staff that is here at Children's Sacred Heart, they have been great!!

We continue to press by day,,,,,,,,,hour by hour..........minute by minute............. breath by breath........... Thank you for your continuing support and prayers!! We feel totally surrounded by these!


David and Trena

Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007 - Evening Update

Update from Trena:

Evan is back from his surgery and he is doing fine. He was a bit fussy and crying with a hoarse voice. I held him for a little bit until he settled down and he is now resting peacefully in his bed in the ICU unit.

The doctor/surgeon said that the surgery went really well. They also took out his stitches from his surgery 12 days ago. I am so thankful for the many wonderful things that they can do now with so many life threatening situations AND more than that, I am so thankful for the many prayers and support that has been sent Heaven/ward on his and our behalf. God is faithful and we are being faithful!

We have learned much and still have much to learn. Sometimes it can seem so overwhelming with everything, but one day at a hour at a minute at a time....... one breath at a time...........

Again, we thank all of you for your support, care and prayers.

Blessings to you all.......

Love, David and Trena

Monday, July 2, 2007

Update from Trena:

Evan's surgery is set for sometime late this afternoon. I don't have an exact time, we have been told several different times, but nothing is set in concrete. I do know that he is 4th on the surgery schedule for today with his surgeon, so I imagine it just depends on how the surgeries go for the ones before Evan.

Evan has been a bit on the fussy side today. I am sure a lot of this is due to the fact that he has not had anything to eat since last night. His little tummy has to be empty for the surgery. He has asked for a banana.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We feel them constantly! God is faithful and may He be glorified through this whole ordeal and always!!

Love, Trena

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Trena sent the following update:

If all goes well after the surgery this coming week...............and if there is not any infections..........................and if, if, if, of the doctors told me yesterday that we might be able to go back home by the end of next week. That would be so nice. I miss being home so much and when the children were here at the hospital on Friday evening, a lot of them really cried and cried when I stayed at the hospital and David took them all home again. It was VERY hard for me and I know it was hard for them, too.

Evan's appetite continues to be back to what he was normally eating (and that was a lot!!). He will have to start that all over again when he has surgery and will not be able to have food for a day or so again.

Evan's sodium level is now consistantly in the normal range, the last one being 136. He is still producing a fair amount of excess CSF, so surgery, at this point, is imminent. He still has a bit of a crooked smile, but that's ok. That's our Evan, whether it be temporary or permanent, it's ok!

I am now staying at the Ronald McDonald house about 6 blocks or so from the hospital. I really don't like being so far away from the hospital at night, but it is nice to not have to tote my luggage back and forth from my sleeping room to Evan's ICU room everyday.

The staff here in this unit and the doctors have been superb!! They have answered my many questions over and over again and some have even given hugs and support when I fell apart a couple of times, just from the stress of not knowing. Above all, God has been faithful and He has been my strength to cope with each minute of each one of my precious friends told day at a breath at a time............and sometimes that it just what it is!!

I really appreciate the many comments and prayers that have been sent our way! They have been so encouraging and I go back and re-read them several times...........again and again. We are abundantly blessed with so many caring friends! My cup overflows!!

Blessings, Trena