Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hi all...

Sorry for the delay in the update today! We were in Wenatchee on family errands. for Evan....

Today has been a fantastic day for our little guy!! Can I hear a 'hallelujah'???

The sodium level, while still low, in on the rise! Also, the CSF is almost clear, which means the protein level has dropped. These are both beyond wonderful!

More good news, you say?

He still continues to recognize familiar faces and objects! Earlier, he said 'nanna' when a plastic banana was held up! This seems small, but it is so grand! It's an excellent sign, as far as the brain goes, that he remembers people and objects! (These are my words, and I'm not doing the report justice!)

He has had a banana, some mashed potatoes and a bottle over the course of the day, and he has kept it all down!

All in all, he had a superb day...which is wonderful for Evan and for his Mom!!!

Your prayers are working! Our God is so wonderful! Please keep up the intercession on Evan's (and the Gimmaka's) behalf!

Have a great evening -

PS - A great big thank you to everyone, and especially to those that have sent such encouraging words to Trena (and to Evan). I have not spoken to Trena about them, but I have been touched by them, so I can only imagine what they mean to her! Thanks again!


Deanna said...

I am SO thankful for such a good report. We will continue to pray and trust for more miracles daily! And thank you to Camille for keeping up this blog. It is Wonderful!

Treca Robinson said...

It was great to hear the good news. We are still praying for you often. Your brothers and sisters even make sure to tuck you into their prayers at meal times. They are requesting prayer for you with each prayer that is sent heaven bound. We love you my sweet little angel. You are a miracle several times over. May you rest in the loving arms of Jesus tonight. Night, Night Evan. love Auntie Treca

Anonymous said...


Chris White Tucker said...

You cannot imagine how the praise is resounding around the earth and in Heaven above for what God is doing in the life of this precious child, his family and all those whom he is touching throughout this ordeal. May God be praised and raise Evan up to be a mighty warrior for His kingdom, a man of valor to tell his story of God's grace and goodness!!!

I love you all, Chris

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. I check the site before I shut down my computer at night and I check it as soon as I connect in the morning. My daughter in New Zealand has requested prayer for Evan on her LJ and has linked your site to it. We love and care about the Gimmakas and will continue to lift them up in prayer.