Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 10:26 pm

We (Victoria and I) left Evan's room around 8:15 pm this evening. Just before we left, the night nurse came in to give Evan morphine and an antiemetic (anti-nausea medication). He seemed to be okay, so not real sure why she gave him the meds.

Shortly after we left, they gave him a 4 oz. bottle of a mixture of formula, pedialight and pediasure which he kept down for about an hour, and then threw it all up.

Tami called me around 9:40 pm to say that Evan had started seizuring (shaky and crossing of eyes, etc), and had been doing so for about 20 to 25 minutes. The nurses came in and gave him some Ativan, and it stopped his seizures and now he is sleeping.

I am on the phone with Tami right now, and she said the seizures lasted for about an hour...he was having them back to back. If in a couple of hours he has more seizures, they will give half the dose of Ativan they gave him initially. He is sleeping peacefully now. The first real sleep since his surgery.

Trena is staying in a room at the hospital tonight, so she will be close by.

Please continue to pray!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Trena, know you are in my constant prayers. I will pray that you and Evan both sleep well tonight and that his little body can handle all this trauma!