Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - Evening Update

Tami called me this evening with an update on Evan, and things seem to be a bit better for our little man! Praise God...and bless all of you for your prayers!

The rotation doctor was very pleased with Evan's progress this evening. They have changed his anti-seizure medication and are just giving him Tylenol (regular) for any pain...Praise the Lord!!!

The doctor said he believes that Evan is doing much, much better. He is sleeping peacefully, and will adjust himself in the bed to get in a more comfortable position...which is a very, very good sign. Tami said he also had an itch on his leg, and lifted his leg to scratch it...all this while sleeping. This is another good sign.

The doctor said, 'When he starts to pick his nose, we'll know things are okay.'...lol! So, I'm sure you thought you would NEVER have anyone ask for prayers for their child to pick there nose...and this is just another reason why we should never say 'never' *smile*!

Tami said that Trena is doing much better tonight after such a dramatic night and morning.

Oh, one more note, the fluid that is being drained from his brain is looking more 'normal'. It had been a yellowish-orange color, now it is more a light yellow...near to clear, which is AWESOME!!

Evan WILL NOT BE HAVING SURGERY tomorrow (Wednesday). They are still keeping a watch on his sodium level and the protein level in the CSF.

I'm sure I don't need to ask you to continue to pray, but I will. Please pray, pray, pray!

Also, the encouraging notes to Trena are a lift to her spirit, and are a balm to Evan as well. You know what they say, 'When Momma is happy, everyone is happy!'. Please continue to send positive notes of encouragement to Evan and the family. They are read every day, and I'm sure she shares them with Evan as well.

This blog is not only for you all to be kept abreast of the progress Evan is making, but it is also an avenue to communicate with Evan and his family on a daily basis. So, when posting, please stay positive and offer your prayers!!!

Thanks again and have a wonderful evening!!!

On behalf of the Gimmaka Family -


Chris White Tucker said...

I have just been hovering over this site awaiting an update and think I clicked on it the second Camille sent it! Praise the Lord for this improvement!!! How I praise and bless His Name for He alone is the Consumate Healer!!! I love you, Trena!!! I sent out another prayer request and the blog site so others could join in praying some more!!! Let's storm the gates of Heaven on behalf of this precious child whom God has rescued! I pray both of you have a blessed, restful night's sleep, laying your head upon the Savior's breast!!!


Anonymous said...

I just had to post my thoughts and prayers on here for you and your little Evan. Deanna from the ML group sent me this and I'm glad. May God continue to bless Evan's healing and that He would get the glory! A Big hug and a sense of rest while you are waiting for your little guy to come home. Praise the Lord for all that He has done!

Susan Stolsig

Anonymous said...

Dear Gimmaka Family,
You are so blessed to have so many praying and watching over you!!!!!!!!!! We love you all.---The Drakes