Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007 - Update

Hello. everyone~

When we got to the hospital this morning Evan was awake and laying peacefully in his hospital crib. He hardly ever cries. His eyes looked even better today and his grip on my fingers was a little tighter. He seems to be focusing much better, although there is not that sparkle in his eyes, like there was before he had surgery.

When Brently and Kimberly came in this morning to see Evan he responded so well to them. He was starting to light up like he did before his surgery. The nurse and I got to see smiles that we have not seen since he had surgery. I am thinking that it might be good therapy for Evan to have them up here on a regular basis. He tried to reach for their faces and tried to grasp their hands and fingers.

Yesterday afternoon Tami brought their youngest daughter, Tori, up with her to Evan's room. She was so good and when she was awake Tami held her by Evan's bed. He was trying to reach for her face and grab at her. He was still a bit trembly and shakey but that didn't seem to stop him from trying. It will be this type of persistance that will give him a quicker recovery.

Right now, he is getting what they call a "pic" line put into his little arm that goes directly into one of his main arteries from his heart. This will make it much easier to get labs on him and administer his meds without having to poke him so many times.

He has had IV's in both of his arms and both of his feet/ankles. Because of his fair skin, those temporary IV's have basically "blown" out. He did have a little bit of physical therapy yesterday with the therapist. She sat him up slowly and then sat him on her lap on the floor and then had him stand on his feet. She did hang on to him the entire time, but she was quite impressed with his abilities and progress so far.

I heard that a couple of nurses have commented about the "peace" that they feel in Evan's room. I think we all know just where that peace is coming from, don't we?? I am SOOOO thankful for the many prayers, love, concern, tears, hugs (both physical and over the phone!), phone calls, text messages, cards, flowers, balloons and e-mails that have been sent our way.

The nurses and doctors have been absolutely fabulous!! They are so understanding and caring! They don't tire of my endless and "repeated" questions, for which I am very thankful, and they always have a smile.

We feel and covet your many prayers that have continued to sustain us. Thank you so much! We are hopeful and expecting mighty miracles that will ultimately glorify our Heavenly Father and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is so worthy to be praised!


David and Trena

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