Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 6:46 pm

Victoria and I came up to Spokane today to visit with Trena and Evan. He looks considerably better than we thought he would. However, Trena said today he is not looking as well as he has been. When we first arrived, he was having a bit of physical therapy and he was smiling and even gave a little laugh for the nurse. Although he will look at you, there doesn't seem to be recognition in his eyes. This could be from the lethargy he is experiencing though, which is explained below.

I am in his room now, and he is resting. The nurse just came in with a report. Evan was taken down for another MRI to check his PIC line, which is a central line through which medications can be given. It is not positioned the way they would like it to be, however it will suffice for now.

She said that the protein level in his CSF (cerebral-spinal fluid) is too high for the surgery. The protein can clog the shunt. They are going to test the fluid again tomorrow morning for the protein level. The cause of the increased protein from the tumor being incised during the surgery.

Evan is also being weaned off his steroid medication. The nurse said this could be the cause of some of the lethargy he is experiencing.

He has had two 8 oz. bottles of Pedialight today which he has been able to keep down. Praise God!!! The nurse said they may try a 4 oz. bottle of his formula, but she is still undecided on that.

Please check back later, as we will update with some pictures. Trena had some developed from the beginning (at the emergency room) until pictures that we took today.

Continue to pray for Evan and Trena.

Trena seems to be holding up okay, but I think her grief, for lack of a better word, is just below the surface. It is hard for her to take so many phone calls and have to live through the updates over and over again.

Specific prayers:

1. The fluid in
Evan's brain would be reabsorbed and that his body would again function as it should with the circulating and reabsorption of the CSF fluid.

2. Evan would become more responsive and that the lethargy would pass.

3. Evan would again recognize familiar faces and respond appropriately.

4. Trena would find comfort in the progress that Evan is making and to cast all her worries on the Lord.

5. Prayers for the family in general and for the support people in Trena and David's life.

Remember...check for picture updates later tonight. When we get home I will post the ones from our camera, and it will probably be either late tonight or tomorrow evening when we get the scanned pictures posted.

Blessings to you all -

1 comment:

Treca Robinson said...

Hi Evan
I like the pixs. Send more. I miss you more than I ever did Evan and mom. I miss you Evan and mom. I hope you come home soon. How is Evan doing? We are having fun with Treca. Nicole wants to say Hi.
Love Seantille