Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday, June 23 @ 11:13 am

They removed Evan's head dressing today. The doctor says everything looks really good. Trena was encouraged by this, but she was a little dismayed at the size of the incision; however, it does not seem to bother Evan. Evan has not slept in 24 hours, probably an after effect of being sedated for so long. He is looking around and is aware of his surroundings, but does not seem to focus on people yet. His eyes, however, are no longer glassy. His fine motor skills (hands, etc) seem to be a little effected (ie, he is shaky). They do not know whether this is a side effect of the drugs or a complication from surgery. Time will tell.

He was given Pedialight to see if he would keep anything down (yesterday), which he did not. This morning, he drank 6 to 8 oz. of Pediasure and kept most of that down. The first word out of his mouth after waking up (and the last word before going into surgery) was 'nanna'...which meant he wanted a banana. So today, they gave him some baby food banana. He had to be fed in 3 bite increments, 5 minutes apart, so that he could keep it down, which he did.

Trena is still at the hospital. David is at home taking care of chores there. The other children are doing well, no one is sick at home, which is a blessing! Trena says everyone is counting the days to when they can all be back together again.

Please continue to pray for Evan, that his recovery will be swift and full.

Specific prayer requests:
Please pray that his body will continue to absorb the fluid around his brain so that he will not have to have a shunt placed surgically on Wednesday. If he does not have surgery on Wednesday, he could be home as early as the end of next week.


Chris White Tucker said...

Thank you so much for sharing this in this manner. It will be a blessing to all of us (including Trena) in not having to answer so many questions over and over again. Your entire family is in our prayers. We love you guys!


Janie99352 said...

Good Morning Trena, and family, it has been on my heart to get you the Camera, I do not know, if Ruth and Bob will be willing to drive to Spokane yet, I left them the e-mail about doing that on Wednesday, but they left this morning, without letting me know.
If they do not go to Spokane on Wednesday, then, maybe Vera or Dial A Ride, can get it to Pasco, at your mom and dads? At least it would be closer to you...Love Janie