Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good morning, I guess afternoon!

The report this morning still continues to be filled with good news!!!

Evan was weighed this morning, and topped out the scales at 25 lbs. 2 oz...which is the most he has weighed in his life! As many of you know, the first sign that something was not right is that Evan was not only not gaining weight, but had started losing weight! So how exciting to see that he is now packing on the pounds (or at least ounces *smile*)!!!

His sodium level last night was 122, and this morning it was up to 127...which is quickly moving into the 'normal range'! Please continue to pray that his sodium will continue to climb until it reaches the normal range and then will plateau.

I do not believe that they have checked the protein level in the CSF, but from the color of the fluid which is draining (which has decreased..another good sign), it is almost clear...which is a great sign that there is not an excess of protein in it. Remember, it was yellowish-orange (protein), now it is almost clear!

David is with his little man today, which I am sure pleased Evan to have Daddy there!

He (Evan) is still keeping down everything he eats, including the scrambled eggs he had for breakfast.

Please continue to pray for Evan, and I will post again as more news rolls in.

Oh, one other update, he had a bath last night, and Tami said he looked wonderful, and tolerated it well. He had on his new jammies and just looked very handsome. He was also being a typical 21 month old, pulling at the various tubes and wires that are still connected to him...which is troublesome for the caregivers, but awesome for his prognosis because it means he is acting in a way that a 21 month old would act..if that makes sense.

Thanks again, on behalf of the family, for all the wonderful comments and all the prayers that are going up for this family. Please keep up the good work...the fruit it has beared has been very good!

Blessings -

1 comment:

Chris White Tucker said...

More reason to praise our Heavenly Father!!! Thank you for keeping this blog going, Camille! I know you are very busy with your own family - but this has meant so much to me. David, please give Trena a hug for me!!! I am so excited about what God is doing - and how He is giving more reason to praise Him - and opportunities for His name to be glorified and magnified - and for those who don't know Him (yet) to see and hear and put their trust in God! May that be an accomplishment of this "silver refinement". God strengthen and bless you all. Love, Chris