Monday, June 25, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures...all taken Monday, June 25, 2007

A little bit of physical therapy, bubbles and puppies..gotta love it!
(June 25 @ 2:30 pm)

This lady is a crack up!!! (Can you hear my giggle?)
(June 25 @ 2:30 pm)

Love my puppy, my puppy loves me!
(June 25 @ 2:30 pm)

Mom and Evan just hanging out
(June 25, about 6:30 pm)

Playing a game of 'Get that foot!'
(June 25, about 6:30 pm)

Say 'Cheese', Mom!
(Evan's turn to take a picture!)


BTL030264 said...

Where is the new talking Monkey that Brian Lee and Jennie Closson got him?????????

Also The Lord was wathing over this precious little Angel-This Child(Evan)is a miracle child!!!!!!!

Chris White Tucker said...

What a beautiful momma! Can't you just see Jesus emanating from her? May He continue to hold you in His mighty right hand, lifting up your countenance to Him, filling you with His Spirit and being a soothing balm to you soul. I love you, Trena.


Treca Robinson said...

Thanks so much for the pix! The children loved seeing their little brother and mom. Thanks again!

Evan you took cool pictures! Keep working hard to get better soon. We are praying for you everyday, two, three or more times daily.

We love and miss you and mommy very much.

Auntie Treca

Treca Robinson said...

Hi Buddy

You look so much better than you did before. I dont want you to have surgery on Wednesday, but if God says you need it I'll be praying for you. I want you to come home; I miss playing with you.


Big Brother Kyle

Anonymous said...

Great news Evan, glad you are eating good and feeling better. You have a handoeme smile.
We are praying for you!
Aunt Jo

Anonymous said...

Finally I got a message to post and what do I do but spell handsome with my fingers on the wrong keys.
I check on you every day and love seeing your smile.
Aunt Jo