Saturday, June 23, 2007

Evan after surgery.


Treca Robinson said...

Evan, my brave little angel. Keep up the great work healing. I bet that banana tasted better than ever.
Love and prayers,

Auntie Treca

Treca Robinson said...

I really miss Evan!!!
I really miss my mommy!!!
I really miss my daddy!!!
Evan and mommy when are coming home?



khaack said...

You are in our prayers. May God's very best blessings be on you little one!

Janie99352 said...

I Love You Evan, You ARE A Fighter, and a serviver, you servied in the womb, with all the things that they did to you. You said, you were going to be born, and you did, and you lived, and now you have lived through the Sergery...God has you in his hands, little man...Love Grandma Janie

Robinson's said...

Our little WILD MAN we love you and are thinking of you always we know your in good hands keep up the fight... your family in Idaho loves you lots...
Aunt Trish, Uncle Don, Ashlee,Jordi and Cody

Treca Robinson said...

Can I kiss you Evan? I miss you Evan! I really miss you Evan! I miss you mommy! I, um, really miss you Evan! I hope you come home soon! I miss you sooooooo much Evan!

Love, Ryan

Treca Robinson said...

Me mid you Eben Tomid. Me mid you mommy. Me mid you datty. Me wand Dim and Bentny Dean back home. Me wand Eben Tomid come bad home.

(Me miss you Evan Thomas. Me miss you mommy. Me miss you daddy. Me want Kim and Brently Dean back home. Me want Evan Thomas come back home.)

Love, Nicole

Treca Robinson said...

Evan I miss you. I hope you don't have surgery on Wednesday.
I hope your head heals fast.
I miss you very much!!!I miss you mom! I miss you dad too.

Love Seantille

Treca Robinson said...

I hope you ge well soon and come home because I really, really miss you. I want you to get well so you can come home.


Big brother Kyle