Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Evan continues to improve every day!

This morning he had french toast and 'mush' (Dad's term).

His sodium level continues to rise (good thing) and is up to 138...within the normal range now!

The protein level has decreased tremendously (another good thing), and the CSF is now clear...which is wonderful!

He is now filling out (Dad says he's getting 'fat'!), which is great, too. He is behaving like the 21-month-old that he is, and is returning to normal sleep patterns!

Because of lack of activity, they had to give him a suppository to stimulate a BM, which worked VERY WELL, from what I!

The surgery to place the shunt, if that still is necessary, will happen sometime next week.

For now they are just keeping a watch on the amount of fluid his body is producing.

All in all, he has had, and continues to have, great days! Please continue to bathe him in prayer!!!

Have a great weekend -

PS - Our family is camping this weekend, so we will not have internet access...which means no updates over the weekend (at least for Saturday). When we return on Sunday, I'll make sure to get a full update and post Sunday evening.

Thanks again...and blessings to you all!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good morning, I guess afternoon!

The report this morning still continues to be filled with good news!!!

Evan was weighed this morning, and topped out the scales at 25 lbs. 2 oz...which is the most he has weighed in his life! As many of you know, the first sign that something was not right is that Evan was not only not gaining weight, but had started losing weight! So how exciting to see that he is now packing on the pounds (or at least ounces *smile*)!!!

His sodium level last night was 122, and this morning it was up to 127...which is quickly moving into the 'normal range'! Please continue to pray that his sodium will continue to climb until it reaches the normal range and then will plateau.

I do not believe that they have checked the protein level in the CSF, but from the color of the fluid which is draining (which has decreased..another good sign), it is almost clear...which is a great sign that there is not an excess of protein in it. Remember, it was yellowish-orange (protein), now it is almost clear!

David is with his little man today, which I am sure pleased Evan to have Daddy there!

He (Evan) is still keeping down everything he eats, including the scrambled eggs he had for breakfast.

Please continue to pray for Evan, and I will post again as more news rolls in.

Oh, one other update, he had a bath last night, and Tami said he looked wonderful, and tolerated it well. He had on his new jammies and just looked very handsome. He was also being a typical 21 month old, pulling at the various tubes and wires that are still connected to him...which is troublesome for the caregivers, but awesome for his prognosis because it means he is acting in a way that a 21 month old would act..if that makes sense.

Thanks again, on behalf of the family, for all the wonderful comments and all the prayers that are going up for this family. Please keep up the good work...the fruit it has beared has been very good!

Blessings -

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hi all...

Sorry for the delay in the update today! We were in Wenatchee on family errands. for Evan....

Today has been a fantastic day for our little guy!! Can I hear a 'hallelujah'???

The sodium level, while still low, in on the rise! Also, the CSF is almost clear, which means the protein level has dropped. These are both beyond wonderful!

More good news, you say?

He still continues to recognize familiar faces and objects! Earlier, he said 'nanna' when a plastic banana was held up! This seems small, but it is so grand! It's an excellent sign, as far as the brain goes, that he remembers people and objects! (These are my words, and I'm not doing the report justice!)

He has had a banana, some mashed potatoes and a bottle over the course of the day, and he has kept it all down!

All in all, he had a superb day...which is wonderful for Evan and for his Mom!!!

Your prayers are working! Our God is so wonderful! Please keep up the intercession on Evan's (and the Gimmaka's) behalf!

Have a great evening -

PS - A great big thank you to everyone, and especially to those that have sent such encouraging words to Trena (and to Evan). I have not spoken to Trena about them, but I have been touched by them, so I can only imagine what they mean to her! Thanks again!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - Evening Update

Tami called me this evening with an update on Evan, and things seem to be a bit better for our little man! Praise God...and bless all of you for your prayers!

The rotation doctor was very pleased with Evan's progress this evening. They have changed his anti-seizure medication and are just giving him Tylenol (regular) for any pain...Praise the Lord!!!

The doctor said he believes that Evan is doing much, much better. He is sleeping peacefully, and will adjust himself in the bed to get in a more comfortable position...which is a very, very good sign. Tami said he also had an itch on his leg, and lifted his leg to scratch it...all this while sleeping. This is another good sign.

The doctor said, 'When he starts to pick his nose, we'll know things are okay.'! So, I'm sure you thought you would NEVER have anyone ask for prayers for their child to pick there nose...and this is just another reason why we should never say 'never' *smile*!

Tami said that Trena is doing much better tonight after such a dramatic night and morning.

Oh, one more note, the fluid that is being drained from his brain is looking more 'normal'. It had been a yellowish-orange color, now it is more a light yellow...near to clear, which is AWESOME!!

Evan WILL NOT BE HAVING SURGERY tomorrow (Wednesday). They are still keeping a watch on his sodium level and the protein level in the CSF.

I'm sure I don't need to ask you to continue to pray, but I will. Please pray, pray, pray!

Also, the encouraging notes to Trena are a lift to her spirit, and are a balm to Evan as well. You know what they say, 'When Momma is happy, everyone is happy!'. Please continue to send positive notes of encouragement to Evan and the family. They are read every day, and I'm sure she shares them with Evan as well.

This blog is not only for you all to be kept abreast of the progress Evan is making, but it is also an avenue to communicate with Evan and his family on a daily basis. So, when posting, please stay positive and offer your prayers!!!

Thanks again and have a wonderful evening!!!

On behalf of the Gimmaka Family -

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @ 12:51 pm

Just got off the phone with Trena for today's update:

Evan had another seizure that lasted about 4 minutes. He turned blue, so they had to give him some oxygen. He also threw up again this morning.

Along with the protein level in CSF fluid being too high, it appears his sodium level is too low. Both of these conditions are contraindcative to surgery. The decreased sodium level could be the cause of the seizures.

He is resting fitfully now.

Please bathe Evan and Trena in prayer. She sounded tired, and on the verge of tears, which is understandable.

I will post more later if there are any changes...until then, pray, pray, pray.

Blessings to you all -

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures...all taken Monday, June 25, 2007

A little bit of physical therapy, bubbles and puppies..gotta love it!
(June 25 @ 2:30 pm)

This lady is a crack up!!! (Can you hear my giggle?)
(June 25 @ 2:30 pm)

Love my puppy, my puppy loves me!
(June 25 @ 2:30 pm)

Mom and Evan just hanging out
(June 25, about 6:30 pm)

Playing a game of 'Get that foot!'
(June 25, about 6:30 pm)

Say 'Cheese', Mom!
(Evan's turn to take a picture!)

Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 10:26 pm

We (Victoria and I) left Evan's room around 8:15 pm this evening. Just before we left, the night nurse came in to give Evan morphine and an antiemetic (anti-nausea medication). He seemed to be okay, so not real sure why she gave him the meds.

Shortly after we left, they gave him a 4 oz. bottle of a mixture of formula, pedialight and pediasure which he kept down for about an hour, and then threw it all up.

Tami called me around 9:40 pm to say that Evan had started seizuring (shaky and crossing of eyes, etc), and had been doing so for about 20 to 25 minutes. The nurses came in and gave him some Ativan, and it stopped his seizures and now he is sleeping.

I am on the phone with Tami right now, and she said the seizures lasted for about an hour...he was having them back to back. If in a couple of hours he has more seizures, they will give half the dose of Ativan they gave him initially. He is sleeping peacefully now. The first real sleep since his surgery.

Trena is staying in a room at the hospital tonight, so she will be close by.

Please continue to pray!

Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 6:46 pm

Victoria and I came up to Spokane today to visit with Trena and Evan. He looks considerably better than we thought he would. However, Trena said today he is not looking as well as he has been. When we first arrived, he was having a bit of physical therapy and he was smiling and even gave a little laugh for the nurse. Although he will look at you, there doesn't seem to be recognition in his eyes. This could be from the lethargy he is experiencing though, which is explained below.

I am in his room now, and he is resting. The nurse just came in with a report. Evan was taken down for another MRI to check his PIC line, which is a central line through which medications can be given. It is not positioned the way they would like it to be, however it will suffice for now.

She said that the protein level in his CSF (cerebral-spinal fluid) is too high for the surgery. The protein can clog the shunt. They are going to test the fluid again tomorrow morning for the protein level. The cause of the increased protein from the tumor being incised during the surgery.

Evan is also being weaned off his steroid medication. The nurse said this could be the cause of some of the lethargy he is experiencing.

He has had two 8 oz. bottles of Pedialight today which he has been able to keep down. Praise God!!! The nurse said they may try a 4 oz. bottle of his formula, but she is still undecided on that.

Please check back later, as we will update with some pictures. Trena had some developed from the beginning (at the emergency room) until pictures that we took today.

Continue to pray for Evan and Trena.

Trena seems to be holding up okay, but I think her grief, for lack of a better word, is just below the surface. It is hard for her to take so many phone calls and have to live through the updates over and over again.

Specific prayers:

1. The fluid in
Evan's brain would be reabsorbed and that his body would again function as it should with the circulating and reabsorption of the CSF fluid.

2. Evan would become more responsive and that the lethargy would pass.

3. Evan would again recognize familiar faces and respond appropriately.

4. Trena would find comfort in the progress that Evan is making and to cast all her worries on the Lord.

5. Prayers for the family in general and for the support people in Trena and David's life.

Remember...check for picture updates later tonight. When we get home I will post the ones from our camera, and it will probably be either late tonight or tomorrow evening when we get the scanned pictures posted.

Blessings to you all -

Monday, June 25, 2007

Update from Tami:

Evan is not doing well today. He was awake and throwing up all night. The pressure on his brain is increasing, and the fluid does not seem to be reabsorbing as it should. The higher the pressure they apply to assist the body the better. They had it at 15, and tried increasing it 20, but eventually had to decrease it to 5 today, which is not good.

He is scheduled for another CAT scan today so they can determine what is going on. The family is unsure when the CAT scan will be, however.

Please continue to pray for little Evan.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday Evening, June 24, 2007

Evan just vomited his dinner and 7 oz. bottle that he ate for dinner tonight. I don't know just how much of a set back this is, but I am sure it is not the best. Evan, at times, seems not to be able to focus with both eyes. Time will tell.............Right now, he is sitting up in bed, propped by pillows and playing with some small toys. He is smiling and we even heard a small giggle, which is encouraging. God is faithful and we are so thankful!!

Prayer Update:

Please remember to keep praying that Evan's body will reabsorb the extra fluid so that he will not have to have another surgery next week.

Also, continue to pray for David, Trena and the rest of their family.

Have a great night!

Sunday, June 24, 2007 - Update

Hello. everyone~

When we got to the hospital this morning Evan was awake and laying peacefully in his hospital crib. He hardly ever cries. His eyes looked even better today and his grip on my fingers was a little tighter. He seems to be focusing much better, although there is not that sparkle in his eyes, like there was before he had surgery.

When Brently and Kimberly came in this morning to see Evan he responded so well to them. He was starting to light up like he did before his surgery. The nurse and I got to see smiles that we have not seen since he had surgery. I am thinking that it might be good therapy for Evan to have them up here on a regular basis. He tried to reach for their faces and tried to grasp their hands and fingers.

Yesterday afternoon Tami brought their youngest daughter, Tori, up with her to Evan's room. She was so good and when she was awake Tami held her by Evan's bed. He was trying to reach for her face and grab at her. He was still a bit trembly and shakey but that didn't seem to stop him from trying. It will be this type of persistance that will give him a quicker recovery.

Right now, he is getting what they call a "pic" line put into his little arm that goes directly into one of his main arteries from his heart. This will make it much easier to get labs on him and administer his meds without having to poke him so many times.

He has had IV's in both of his arms and both of his feet/ankles. Because of his fair skin, those temporary IV's have basically "blown" out. He did have a little bit of physical therapy yesterday with the therapist. She sat him up slowly and then sat him on her lap on the floor and then had him stand on his feet. She did hang on to him the entire time, but she was quite impressed with his abilities and progress so far.

I heard that a couple of nurses have commented about the "peace" that they feel in Evan's room. I think we all know just where that peace is coming from, don't we?? I am SOOOO thankful for the many prayers, love, concern, tears, hugs (both physical and over the phone!), phone calls, text messages, cards, flowers, balloons and e-mails that have been sent our way.

The nurses and doctors have been absolutely fabulous!! They are so understanding and caring! They don't tire of my endless and "repeated" questions, for which I am very thankful, and they always have a smile.

We feel and covet your many prayers that have continued to sustain us. Thank you so much! We are hopeful and expecting mighty miracles that will ultimately glorify our Heavenly Father and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is so worthy to be praised!


David and Trena

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday, June 23 @ 11:13 am

They removed Evan's head dressing today. The doctor says everything looks really good. Trena was encouraged by this, but she was a little dismayed at the size of the incision; however, it does not seem to bother Evan. Evan has not slept in 24 hours, probably an after effect of being sedated for so long. He is looking around and is aware of his surroundings, but does not seem to focus on people yet. His eyes, however, are no longer glassy. His fine motor skills (hands, etc) seem to be a little effected (ie, he is shaky). They do not know whether this is a side effect of the drugs or a complication from surgery. Time will tell.

He was given Pedialight to see if he would keep anything down (yesterday), which he did not. This morning, he drank 6 to 8 oz. of Pediasure and kept most of that down. The first word out of his mouth after waking up (and the last word before going into surgery) was 'nanna'...which meant he wanted a banana. So today, they gave him some baby food banana. He had to be fed in 3 bite increments, 5 minutes apart, so that he could keep it down, which he did.

Trena is still at the hospital. David is at home taking care of chores there. The other children are doing well, no one is sick at home, which is a blessing! Trena says everyone is counting the days to when they can all be back together again.

Please continue to pray for Evan, that his recovery will be swift and full.

Specific prayer requests:
Please pray that his body will continue to absorb the fluid around his brain so that he will not have to have a shunt placed surgically on Wednesday. If he does not have surgery on Wednesday, he could be home as early as the end of next week.

Email from Trena - Friday, June 22, 2007

Hi, everyone~

Evan is stabilized and is off his breathing respirator this afternoon. He is holding his own but still can not move his head very much. Not that he does not try to but they don't want him to do that this soon.

The MRI taken this morning showed that the surgery yesterday got about 95% of the tumor. The pathology report, that will come back in 10-14 days, will determine if it is malignant or not.

Our greatest prayer request, at this point, is that his little body will take care of the extra brain fluid so that he does not have to have surgery next week to put a shunt in. This will be determined in the next few days and if he has to have one put in, the surgery for that will be on Wednesday, I think the date is the 27th.

Tami is here with me right now. Tanna left this morning and so did Don and Trish. They stayed to see what the MRI report showed and then headed back to their homes. We are so blessed to have so many caring and loving people that have prayed and prayed for us. Believe me, we feel your prayers and know that God is working.

In a sort of way, I feel like I am reliving our house fire tradegy of 4 years ago that happened the 30th of this month. Tami and Tanna were there being such a wonderful support for me when all I could do was cry 4 years ago, and they have stepped up once again. What a blessing they have been!

Thank you again, everyone for your many prayers and continued prayers and support! We love you and thank God for each of you!!

Blessings, David and Trena

P.S. For those of you who might not be aware of this situation, I will give you a quick run down. Monday, Evan (our 21 month old son) was diagnosed with a very large brain tumor, which was surgically removed yesterday after a 5 hr. 20 min. surgery at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital. The tumor was the size of a baseball that was removed.

Evan after surgery.
Evan before surgery.