Thursday, June 4, 2009

May 29, 2009

To Our Dear Friends and Family:

We would appreciate prayers and support for our family as we walk through yet another difficult time of uncertainty.

Due to the health issues that our son, Evan, has been experiencing, we felt led to update each one of you. In 2007, at the age of 22 months, Evan was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Evan went through an operation through which the doctors were able to remove some of the tumor and place a shunt into his body.

Since that time, Evan has continued to move forward in his development and seemed to being doing well. However, at a recent check-up, we were informed that his tumor has grown. This growth gives reason for concern and requires definite medical action. We have gone to the Lord in prayer to discern what the best treatment plan for Evan would be. We have opted not to have Evan treated in Washington, as the doctors only offer chemo and radiation here. We and many physicians believe that is a death sentence for a child so young. Statistics show an extremely low survival rate using chemo and radiation in young children, and most physicians will tell you that they would not choose to treat their own child with chemo. At this time, we feel led to pursue treatment from a doctor at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. The clinic will receive Evan’s medical history and reports from his surgery in June 2007 sometime next week. His first appointment could be 2-4 weeks from the time they receive Evan’s medical history.

Unfortunately, Evan’s insurance will not cover his treatment out of state, yet they would be willing to spend several hundred thousand dollars on chemo treatments for him in state. The initial cost to start treatment at the Burzynski Clinic is approximately $20,000. Monthly treatments could continue for up to 8 months at $7,600 per month. We also need to cover our airfare and motel accommodations. It would be so much easier if we could have Evan treated in Washington and just let insurance cover the expenses, but we do not believe the treatment options they offer are God’s will for Evan. There is no price you can put on a child’s life and we believe with all our heart that there is no sacrifice too big if it ultimately saves Evan’s life.

It is our hope that you all will continue to pray for us and support us. Our God is a mighty God and we have faith that whatever happens over the next few years will be conforming us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is our desire to be the hands and feet of our Lord wherever He sends us in this journey of life. Evan’s health issues are no exception. Evan's blog spot is being re-established and updates will be posted on a regular basis. This address is

A bank account has been set up for Evan. The fund is called “EVAN'S TUMOR TREATMENT FUND”. If you are led by God to donate to Evan’s fund, the account number is 823797261 at Chase Bank (formerly Washington Mutual Bank).

Please come together with us as we seek discernment, wisdom, and peace from God. We covet your prayers and draw strength from your love.

Resting in the Hands of God our Father,

David and Trena Gimmaka


scrapper1982 said...

Well probily write a better comment tomorrow cause it already pretty late-but God Bless And He is always in our prayers!
Brian and Jennie Lee/Closson

scrapper1982 said...

Well probily write a better comment tomorrow cause it already pretty late-but God Bless And He is always in our prayers!
Brian and Jennie Lee/Closson