Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 27, 2009

Thank you to all of you who have so generously helped us on this journey once again with Evan by continuing to pray for him and us and for all who have been so generous by donating to EVAN'S TUMOR TREATMENT FUND! We truly appreciate and thank God for you all!

Evan went to his first visit with the Natureopath doctor Thursday. He thought Evan looked good. He recommended starting him on three different herbs. These herbs are primarily for swelling in the tumor area of his brain and to discourage future tumor growth. The doctor said if Evan's oncologist chooses to start chemo, these herbs will not be an interference, but only enhance any chemo treatments, if they are needed. This will not be determined until after the next MRI, which is scheduled for August 28th. Also, on August 28th, Evan has an appointment with the pediatric optomologist (sp?). He will also see his new oncologist in Seattle on the same day. It will be a very full day!

So, for right now, our routine and treatment for Evan will be to give him these herbs 2x day until the MRI in August. This will be good, as it will give ample time for the herbs to be built up in Evan's little body and, hopefully, do what they are supposed to do.

Your continued prayers, support, concern and love are such an encouragement to us and we ask that you continue to lift Evan up, as our desire is to see God work a TOTAL miracle in his life and body.

When I can get with it enough to go online and check the balances on Evan's two FUND accounts, I will post the balances. I realize that some people don't really care about this detail, but I also realize that some people do. So, for those of you that do, I will try to get this done soon. Thank you again, for the many donations and support that so many of you have donated to. We truly appreciate it!!


David and Trena


Anonymous said...

I still believe In God's word and am not trying to be foolish in my thoughts, but He is faithful and will fulfill His word and put forth His hand toward that beautiful little boy with a smile as big as the Montana skys,

bandjlee2009 said...

We are praying for him-as well as for the whole family with all these hard ships I know Trenas strength in the Lord will help her make it through!

bandjlee2009 said...
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