Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 12, 2009

On Thursday, June 11, I went to the Tri-Cities with Evan and Brently to pick up much needed groceries since we didn't know just what would happen concerning our trip to Seattle and if Evan and I would be staying there for awhile.

Just before we leave from home, I get this call from a long time precious brother in the Lord, Leny Dragon. He and his wife, Roxanne, used to live in this area and now currently live in Missouri. He was in the Tri-Cities at a minister's conference and wanted to meet with me to pray for Evan.

He met us in the Wal-Mart parking lot where he and some others from the conference annointed Evan with oil, layed hands on him and prayed fervently for his healing. God's presence came down right there in that parking lot in such a might way!! I truly believe God is going to be mightily glorified through this whole His time and in His way.... NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!

Today, Friday, June 12, 2009 David and I took Evan to an oncologist appointment at Children's Hospital in Seattle. After talking with the oncologist for 1 hr. 45 min. the prognosis and direction for Evan, at this point, is.......

1. Get another MRI the middle of July.
2. Get an appointment with a pediatric eye doctor to check Evan's eyes.
3. Get an appointment with the natureopath that works with the oncologist at Children's hospital in Seattle.

The oncologist in Seattle didn't feel like it was a "rush" situation to begin treatment until the result of the MRI in July is done. His reasoning behind this decision is to compare growth of the tumor from the MRI that was done in May to the one in July. Depending on the results of the MRI in July will determine if and when we start treatment for Evan.

This 2nd opinion has brought great relief to our hearts and home. The battle isn't over, we realize, but it doesn't seem as urgent as we were told last week.

We continue to ask for you to pray on Evan's behalf, for David and I to have wisdom and direction and for God's Peace to flood our home.

God is so good and we give Him ALL the glory, honor and praise He is so worthy of!

We will continue with the donation bank account that is set up at Chase Bank and one is in the process of being set up at Bank of Whitman.

Evan's insurance is covering the medical expense of his doctoring, for which we are thankful. We continue to trust God for the other expenses that his insurance does not cover for me to be able to be with him throughout all of this. He has been so faithful and we are so thankful for His provision and the generousity of so many individuals!

Again, we stress to emphasize our most needed "donation" is your frequent prayers on our behalf, your love, your concern and your support!

May God be mightily glorified in and through our family and lives!


David and Trena

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the good report
Praising God with you
momma dragon