Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009

It seems these days that I make a lot of phone calls and receive phone calls, all concerning Evan in some way or another.

Today and yesterday I took Evan to Othello for blood work. Evan has his first appointment in Seattle at Children's Hospital with Dr. Geyer. It is set for Friday, June 12.

Today I made the first deposit into EVAN'S TUMOR TREATMENT FUND at Chase Bank. We now have $2,000 in the account! Thank you all for your generous donations and MANY, MANY Prayers!

We would covet your prayers as we go to this appointment. I just don't know what to really expect and I am "re-living" 2 yrs. ago all over again. It brings such a wave of emotions at times. But I do know that God is faithful and we need to trust Him completely with Evan's life, no matter what the outcome may be.


David and Trena

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