Monday, June 8, 2009

June 6, 2009

Re: Updated information on Evan’s treatment plan

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

This verse says exactly what is happening right now in our lives. As of yesterday, our plans to seek treatment in Texas have been altered. Through many phone calls and many tears, we are changing Evan’s needed treatment to Seattle Children’s Hospital.

I will find out this coming week more details as the Oncologist from Seattle will be setting up a consultation date and time with us. They did tell me that they do move quickly and to expect to be over there very soon.

So………….if you were considering donating to Evan’s Tumor Treatment Fund we ask that you hold off for a bit until we have a new permanent treatment plan and place. Although Evan’s medical treatments will now be covered through his insurance, there will still be other expenses on our part so that I will be able to be with him through this whole ordeal.

We would appreciate your continued prayers, encouragement, concern and love. We serve an awesome God and we continue to trust Him with Evan’s life and future, even though we don’t understand all that is happening. We are not called to understand, but to trust and walk by faith. A task much easier said than done.


David and Trena


Anonymous said...

Hi Trena, look into Ronald McDonald house while you are there, we stayed at kids bowling for kids village while we were there with Ryan, which is for a little shorter term (6 weeks)than Evan may be, but there can be a waiting list to get in, so you will want to get on that ASAP. Childrens is a wonderful place, I hope you find peace with the doctors there, we are so thankful for everything they did for Ryan. Ann

momma dragon said...

will there be an update and praise report here soon?