Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 27, 2009

Thank you to all of you who have so generously helped us on this journey once again with Evan by continuing to pray for him and us and for all who have been so generous by donating to EVAN'S TUMOR TREATMENT FUND! We truly appreciate and thank God for you all!

Evan went to his first visit with the Natureopath doctor Thursday. He thought Evan looked good. He recommended starting him on three different herbs. These herbs are primarily for swelling in the tumor area of his brain and to discourage future tumor growth. The doctor said if Evan's oncologist chooses to start chemo, these herbs will not be an interference, but only enhance any chemo treatments, if they are needed. This will not be determined until after the next MRI, which is scheduled for August 28th. Also, on August 28th, Evan has an appointment with the pediatric optomologist (sp?). He will also see his new oncologist in Seattle on the same day. It will be a very full day!

So, for right now, our routine and treatment for Evan will be to give him these herbs 2x day until the MRI in August. This will be good, as it will give ample time for the herbs to be built up in Evan's little body and, hopefully, do what they are supposed to do.

Your continued prayers, support, concern and love are such an encouragement to us and we ask that you continue to lift Evan up, as our desire is to see God work a TOTAL miracle in his life and body.

When I can get with it enough to go online and check the balances on Evan's two FUND accounts, I will post the balances. I realize that some people don't really care about this detail, but I also realize that some people do. So, for those of you that do, I will try to get this done soon. Thank you again, for the many donations and support that so many of you have donated to. We truly appreciate it!!


David and Trena

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 12, 2009

On Thursday, June 11, I went to the Tri-Cities with Evan and Brently to pick up much needed groceries since we didn't know just what would happen concerning our trip to Seattle and if Evan and I would be staying there for awhile.

Just before we leave from home, I get this call from a long time precious brother in the Lord, Leny Dragon. He and his wife, Roxanne, used to live in this area and now currently live in Missouri. He was in the Tri-Cities at a minister's conference and wanted to meet with me to pray for Evan.

He met us in the Wal-Mart parking lot where he and some others from the conference annointed Evan with oil, layed hands on him and prayed fervently for his healing. God's presence came down right there in that parking lot in such a might way!! I truly believe God is going to be mightily glorified through this whole His time and in His way.... NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!

Today, Friday, June 12, 2009 David and I took Evan to an oncologist appointment at Children's Hospital in Seattle. After talking with the oncologist for 1 hr. 45 min. the prognosis and direction for Evan, at this point, is.......

1. Get another MRI the middle of July.
2. Get an appointment with a pediatric eye doctor to check Evan's eyes.
3. Get an appointment with the natureopath that works with the oncologist at Children's hospital in Seattle.

The oncologist in Seattle didn't feel like it was a "rush" situation to begin treatment until the result of the MRI in July is done. His reasoning behind this decision is to compare growth of the tumor from the MRI that was done in May to the one in July. Depending on the results of the MRI in July will determine if and when we start treatment for Evan.

This 2nd opinion has brought great relief to our hearts and home. The battle isn't over, we realize, but it doesn't seem as urgent as we were told last week.

We continue to ask for you to pray on Evan's behalf, for David and I to have wisdom and direction and for God's Peace to flood our home.

God is so good and we give Him ALL the glory, honor and praise He is so worthy of!

We will continue with the donation bank account that is set up at Chase Bank and one is in the process of being set up at Bank of Whitman.

Evan's insurance is covering the medical expense of his doctoring, for which we are thankful. We continue to trust God for the other expenses that his insurance does not cover for me to be able to be with him throughout all of this. He has been so faithful and we are so thankful for His provision and the generousity of so many individuals!

Again, we stress to emphasize our most needed "donation" is your frequent prayers on our behalf, your love, your concern and your support!

May God be mightily glorified in and through our family and lives!


David and Trena

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009

It seems these days that I make a lot of phone calls and receive phone calls, all concerning Evan in some way or another.

Today and yesterday I took Evan to Othello for blood work. Evan has his first appointment in Seattle at Children's Hospital with Dr. Geyer. It is set for Friday, June 12.

Today I made the first deposit into EVAN'S TUMOR TREATMENT FUND at Chase Bank. We now have $2,000 in the account! Thank you all for your generous donations and MANY, MANY Prayers!

We would covet your prayers as we go to this appointment. I just don't know what to really expect and I am "re-living" 2 yrs. ago all over again. It brings such a wave of emotions at times. But I do know that God is faithful and we need to trust Him completely with Evan's life, no matter what the outcome may be.


David and Trena

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 6, 2009

Re: Updated information on Evan’s treatment plan

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

This verse says exactly what is happening right now in our lives. As of yesterday, our plans to seek treatment in Texas have been altered. Through many phone calls and many tears, we are changing Evan’s needed treatment to Seattle Children’s Hospital.

I will find out this coming week more details as the Oncologist from Seattle will be setting up a consultation date and time with us. They did tell me that they do move quickly and to expect to be over there very soon.

So………….if you were considering donating to Evan’s Tumor Treatment Fund we ask that you hold off for a bit until we have a new permanent treatment plan and place. Although Evan’s medical treatments will now be covered through his insurance, there will still be other expenses on our part so that I will be able to be with him through this whole ordeal.

We would appreciate your continued prayers, encouragement, concern and love. We serve an awesome God and we continue to trust Him with Evan’s life and future, even though we don’t understand all that is happening. We are not called to understand, but to trust and walk by faith. A task much easier said than done.


David and Trena

Thursday, June 4, 2009

May 29, 2009

To Our Dear Friends and Family:

We would appreciate prayers and support for our family as we walk through yet another difficult time of uncertainty.

Due to the health issues that our son, Evan, has been experiencing, we felt led to update each one of you. In 2007, at the age of 22 months, Evan was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Evan went through an operation through which the doctors were able to remove some of the tumor and place a shunt into his body.

Since that time, Evan has continued to move forward in his development and seemed to being doing well. However, at a recent check-up, we were informed that his tumor has grown. This growth gives reason for concern and requires definite medical action. We have gone to the Lord in prayer to discern what the best treatment plan for Evan would be. We have opted not to have Evan treated in Washington, as the doctors only offer chemo and radiation here. We and many physicians believe that is a death sentence for a child so young. Statistics show an extremely low survival rate using chemo and radiation in young children, and most physicians will tell you that they would not choose to treat their own child with chemo. At this time, we feel led to pursue treatment from a doctor at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. The clinic will receive Evan’s medical history and reports from his surgery in June 2007 sometime next week. His first appointment could be 2-4 weeks from the time they receive Evan’s medical history.

Unfortunately, Evan’s insurance will not cover his treatment out of state, yet they would be willing to spend several hundred thousand dollars on chemo treatments for him in state. The initial cost to start treatment at the Burzynski Clinic is approximately $20,000. Monthly treatments could continue for up to 8 months at $7,600 per month. We also need to cover our airfare and motel accommodations. It would be so much easier if we could have Evan treated in Washington and just let insurance cover the expenses, but we do not believe the treatment options they offer are God’s will for Evan. There is no price you can put on a child’s life and we believe with all our heart that there is no sacrifice too big if it ultimately saves Evan’s life.

It is our hope that you all will continue to pray for us and support us. Our God is a mighty God and we have faith that whatever happens over the next few years will be conforming us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is our desire to be the hands and feet of our Lord wherever He sends us in this journey of life. Evan’s health issues are no exception. Evan's blog spot is being re-established and updates will be posted on a regular basis. This address is

A bank account has been set up for Evan. The fund is called “EVAN'S TUMOR TREATMENT FUND”. If you are led by God to donate to Evan’s fund, the account number is 823797261 at Chase Bank (formerly Washington Mutual Bank).

Please come together with us as we seek discernment, wisdom, and peace from God. We covet your prayers and draw strength from your love.

Resting in the Hands of God our Father,

David and Trena Gimmaka