Saturday, April 3, 2010

March 20, 2010 Update

(This is late due to a tardy updater - namely, me...Blessings, Camille) update is overdue, once again! Lots going on and this is always a busy time of the year, especially with these nice days......makes one want to get outside and forget the inside chores and such.

Evan will go to Kadlec in Richland on Monday for an IV Chemo. I am thankful for the great staff that we have met there. Children's Hospital's extension to Richland has been a wonderful thing for us, so that we don't have to travel to Seattle quite so often.

Several people have asked me the chemo routine that Evan is on, so I will try to put it down here, in a nutshell, so to speak. Each 42 day cycle (6 weeks) is counted as a "Round". Below will be an example of a "Round" of chemo. Days 0-4 are oral chemo treatments 6 hrs apart around the clock........example - 6am....12pm....6pm....12am

Day 0 - 1st oral chemo at 6pm
Day 1 - Oral chemo at 12am.....6am....12noon....6pm

Day 2 - Oral chemo at 12am.....6am....12noon....6pm
Day 3 - Oral chemo at 12am.....6am....12noon....6pm
Anti-nausea meds taken 1 hour before each chemo dose 4x this day
Day 4 - Oral chemo at 12am
Anti-nausea meds taken 1 hour before this chemo, also.
Day 14 - IV chemo at Kadlec Hospital in Richland
Day 28 - IV chemo at Kadlec Hospital in Richland

We are currently in the 2nd Round of his chemo treatments, being on Day 14 as of Monday, the 22nd.

Evan has recently been accepted as a "Wishing Star Kid" through the Wishing Star Foundation. It is a small, local organization that does great things for families and children with serious and terminal illnesses. One week ago we had two volunteers come out and meet some of our family. They were really nice. You can learn more about this organization at

God continues to provide us with grace, strength and His peace in all that we have done, are doing and, by faith, going to do! He has taken care of us in so many amazing ways and we are so thankful for His faithfulness, even in times of our unfaithfulness. Amongst the many blessings, God has provided us with many wonderful family members and friends, both old and new! Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, prayers, support and donations!!
We feel your prayers and love! May God continue to be glorified in and through our home in all that we do and say!


David, Trena
AND family

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