Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010 Update

We have had the cold/coughs in our home this past week or so. Evan was doing really well for not getting sick until Thursday. By Friday evening he had a rising temperature. In his "notebook" that we received from Children's Hospital, it gave specific special guidelines to what to do when your child has a fever. It is a lot different due to the fact that the child that is being given chemo cannot have a very high temp plus they don't want you to give any Tylenol or pain reliever. His temp kept rising yesterday evening so I made that phone call to the oncologist on call at Seattle Children's Hospital. We monitored it for a couple of hours and it was gradually rising. When I called the oncologist-on-call from Seattle, he told me to take him into Kadlec Hospital in Richland and get him checked out. So, I packed a suitcase (I didn't know if it would be a quick trip or if he would have to stay there) and we left the house around 9 p.m.

After many kinds of tests and x-rays, it was determined that Evan had pneumonia. The protocol was to put him on oral antibiotics and send him home. We got home just a few minutes before 4 a.m.

When I first called the oncologist over in Seattle, I started experiencing a spirit/feeling of being overwhelmed and just felt like crying and crying. I sent a quick text message to some people, and I know Evan and I were immediately lifted to God's Throne! It was absolutely amazing the peace and grace we experienced before we even left for the hospital! God is so good and so faithful! Evan was calm and so was I!

Monday, we still plan to go to Kadlec Hospital for his IV Chemotherapy, that is, unless they decide to hold off until he is completely well.

Thank you so much for your continued love, prayers, support, and encouragement! May God continue to use us for His Glory!


David, Trena
& family

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