Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 5, 2010 Update

God is still on the throne no matter what happens!! Evan had his MRI yesterday at Children's Hospital in Seattle. The results weren't exactly what we were looking for, but it doesn't change anything in our trust in God! If anything, it even draws us closer to our Lord to trust Him in a still deeper way.

The MRI results stated that there was about 1-2mm growth in Evan's tumor. His oncologist told us that this was not real alarming to him, at this point, but it is definitely going to be something to watch when he has his next MRI in 3 months. He said that is there is continued growth then we will have to look at doing something different; meaning a change in doing a different, more aggressive chemo and/or radiation.

God's peace surrounds us in a magnificent way that words could never express! We are so thankful for the many prayers on Evan's behalf, and not to mention, our behalf! Thank you so much!

We will start Evan's oral Chemo tonight. His next IV treatments are already set up in Richland, Kadlec Hospital, for the middle and end of this month.....2 weeks apart.

Our continued prayer is that God would be mightily glorified in all that we do, say and think in our home and through our lives!


David and Trena

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