Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007 - Update

We went to Spokane Children's Hospital on Tuesday for Evan's first MRI since he was discharged from the hospital. Unfortunately, the MRI was a failure. Evan's body did not properly respond to the sedation drugs they administered to him. So........since he was not completely sedated they could not do the MRI. He will have to have another one with complete sedation in the next week or two. They are trying to get it scheduled and then they will call me with the date and time.

We did see his nuerosurgeon and oncologist and they thought he looked great. It looks like he will have to have MRI's every 3 months for the first year. We are still praying and believing for a complete healing! God is faithful and we are so thankful that Evan is doing so well.

I gave him his first hair cut since he was hospitalized in June. His hair had grown considerably since 1/2 of his head was shaved for his surgery. If you did not know about his surgery, you would have to look really close to see his scar and shunt.

He is a busy little boy; walking, running and talking more and more everyday. He loves to open drawers and empty their contents.

Thank you again for all your prayers!

Blessings, David and Trena

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