Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 19, 2007 Update

Hi all...

Trena called me a bit ago with an update on Evan's condition.

He was scheduled for an MRI today, and the results weren't as expected. They had to adjust his shunt, and the tumor is 'growing more than anticipated' according to the doctor. Evan will have to have a CAT scan next week for a more thorough evaluation of what is going on. He has been a bit more cranky than usual, Trena said, and has not been getting a restful night's sleep.

Please continue to lift him and the family in your prayers!!!

I will update again some time next.

Until then, may His blessings rain upon you -

1 comment:

Chris White Tucker said...

This is indeed a set back - but not too big for God to deal with... We will just keep praying for and expecting complete healing for this little man. But I think his "work" in this world has already accomplished much in preparing hearts to receive Christ - what a testimony he has been to doctors, nurses, other medical staff and others observing God at work in the life of this little boy. I pray his life brings many to salvation and that his crown is laden with jewels to lay at the feet of Jesus. I am praying for all of you. I love you lots... Chris