Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8, 2010

Dearest Family and Friends~

Just thought I would give a brief update concerning Evan. We went over to Seattle for an appointment with Evan's oncologist today. The prognosis is that we will be starting chemo on Evan next week. David and I plan to go over on Wednesday afternoon as Evan has an out-patient surgery to put in a port for the chemo. Then on Friday afternoon, the plan is to have labs drawn, see his oncologist and then have his first chemo treatment. After Evan is stable, we will plan to head back home. These chemo treatments will take a period of 1 year. I don't have the complete schedule, but that will all be made known and written down next week when we get started.

Seattle Children's hospital is starting a pediatric cancer treatment wing at Kadlec Hospital in Richland. AND, Evan's oncologist is the one that is going to be supervising this new addition to Kadlec Hospital. So, when Evan needs to go in for his IV chemo, we will be able to go to Richland, rather than Seattle! But, his oncologist still wants us to return to Seattle Children's Hospital for his MRI's and the special eye test that he will have to have every 3 months. We are thankful that a majority of Evan's chemo treatments can be in Richland, rather than having to drive over to Seattle.

Evan's medical insurance will cover all the medical expenses, but will not cover the "outside" expenses, so to speak. He will continue his herbs and nutritional supplements from his natureopath, also.

As you can see, lots going on and we continue to trust God, even though we don't understand or even know why..............we are not called to understand or even know why, just to walk close to God and completely trust Him with everything that we have and everyone that we know and love.................This is something that one can talk about, but where the "rubber meets the road" is when something or someone is threatened or even taken away from you and you have to ask yourself, "Am I living what I am preaching?" We pray that our lives are doing just that.

With all that said, we still don't hesitate to ask you for your continued prayers and support.
We appreciate your thoughts, prayers, encouragement and support. We thank God for the network of people that he has placed in our lives! God's richest blessings to you all!


David and Trena

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