Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 18, 2010

Spoke with Trena last night...here is the latest on Evan in a nutshell:

He is in the comfort of his own home! Mom has to administer 4 different chemotherapy medications to him orally every 6 hours. This regimen began on Saturday night, and will continue until Wednesday morning. So far, he is tolerating the medications well.

Tentatively, they will go back to Seattle on February 1 for his first IV chemotherapy treatment. On February 15, he will have another round of IV chemotherapy, prayerfully at the Children's Hospital in Tri-Cities.

That is the news for now. I will keep you updated as I can. Trena is currently without computer.

Please continue to keep the family in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

As I shared this prayer need with another adoptive mother, this was her astute response: They sound like an awesome family. They must be a definite threat to the enemy’s camp for him to throw so many fiery darts. Of course they are raising up the next generation of God’s Army!

Be encouraged - the same God who raised Jesus from the dead to be seated in victory at the right hand of our God is at work in your lives and in Evan! Praise be to His Name and to the Son!!!

I love you! Chris

Anonymous said...

Does your automobile insurance go lower when you turn 25? If that is so, exactly how much...?

Anonymous said...

I believe Trena and David Gimmaka are awesom with the kids and i am thankful for thisloving compule

Anonymous said...

I believe Trena and David Gimmaka are awesom with the kids and i am thankful for thisloving compule