Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 2011 Update

Well, it is time for a much overdue update for Evan's blog! I have been posting little updates on my facebook status and have kind of neglected his blogspot, I don't really remember just where we left off, but I will give a highlight of the past year or so.

As of January 2011, Evan completed 8 rounds(which took one year) of oral and IV chemotherapy. This was all new to me and to Evan. I struggled with doing the oral chemo at home, but we did it. So many precautions I had to do to protect myself and the rest of our family. It made Evan so sick and he would do a lot of sleeping on those oral chemo days here at home.

He had all of his IV chemo treatments in Kadlec Hospital in Richland, through Seattle Children's Hospital. Probably one of the worst side affects from his IV chemo was that his knee and ankle joints would hurt so bad. After he had been sitting or sleeping for awhile, he would tell me that his leg was broken. He would and still does walk stiffly after he gets up from a nap or has been sitting for awhile.

In May of 2011 he had outpatient surgery to have his port removed. He was so happy! He told us over and over again......"No more chemo.....see? No more port!"

He had an MRI in March and it showed no change in the tumor size. It is still the size of a golf ball. We also had some testing done on his eyes. He has no vision in his left eye and has 20/25 acuity vision in his right eye with no peripheral vision. The doctor said it would be like looking through a paper towel tube, which really explains why he frequently asks me for his fork when it is right next to his plate. He just can't see it!

His next MRI is supposed to be sometime in June. We don't have an exact date yet.

Children's Hospital in Seattle has been great to work with and they have made great efforts in getting their new wing set up at Kadlec Hospital in Richland. This has been a huge blessing for us so that we don't have to travel quite so far for his MRI's, bloodwork and chemo. We still make every other trip for his MRI's and eye tests in Seattle and the other ones are in Richland at Kadlec.

For right now, the plan is to do MRI's every 3 months to monitor the tumor. If there should be a change in the tumor showing growth, then the oncologist said that we would be looking at some form of radiation.

Through all of this, we continue to see God at work in Evan's little life! He is such a shining example for us! If he ever says anything about the pain that he is in, he doesn't dwell on it and just moves on with his little life! We continue to pray that God will heal him, but for now, God has pretty much comforted us with the fact that "His Grace is Sufficient"!

We have been so humbled by so many people's prayers, concern, encouragement and blessings to us! We pray that God will return this 100 fold back to you! Blessings to you all!

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