Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 17, 2009 Update

Evan is scheduled for another MRI and several other appointments on the 2nd of December. I will plan to go over the day before as his first appointment of several will begin at 9 a.m.

Evan also has a natureopath appointment in Hemiston on November 30.

Evan continues to take 7 different special herbs, vitamins and such for his well-being, prescribed by his natureopath. Evan is such a trooper to take these capsules several times a day, mixed with applesauce. He sometimes like to alternate bites with a smoked oyster. He loves oysters, so we don't mind that he eats them as long as he also gets his meds. Some of these meds are taken 6x a day!

Prayer Requests would be for safe traveling to Hermiston, Seattle and back home; good reports with Evan's doctors (ophthomolgist, oncologist and natureopath); God's peace for the "what-if's" that seem to be bombarding my mind.

The on-going prayers, support, encouragement and donations have been so appreciated and felt by our family. THANK YOU so much! Evan's insurance continues to cover his medical appointments but nothing is covered for the natureopath and all that is being prescribed. We are so thankful for many people's donations to help pay for these "extra" expenses.

Until next time,

David, Trena and family

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