Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 2010

A much overdue update for Evan. I'm so sorry for not having posted updated posts for Evan.

Evan continues to have some form of chemotherapy every 2 weeks. One week he does oral chemo for 3 1/2 days, two weeks later we go to Richland Kadlec Hospital for IV chemo done through his port and two weeks later we repeat the IV chemo through his port at Richland Kadlec Hospital.

The last two oral chemo doses have really been hard for Evan (and me!). He has increased in vomiting and vomits until at least 6 hours after his last dose.

The last two IV chemo treatments through his port have increased symptoms of severe stiffness in his ankles and/or knees. Evan frequently tells me, as he struggles to walk, that his knee or leg is broken. His skin also seems to be really sensitive to touch and he really lets us know when we bump him causing him intense pain, like pins and needles on the outside of his skin.

In spite of all the "bad" stuff, overall Evan continues to have such a sweet spirit and attitude! (Something God has been showing me!) He smiles and laughs easily.

Evan has an MRI scheduled for Friday morning at Seattle Children's Hospital, followed by an appointment with his oncologist. After that, the plan is to pick up his next round of oral chemo from the pharmacy and head home.

Each day God gives us is a blessing and we continue to learn to live life with a grateful heart making each activity, conversation and attitude a life-giving, God glorifying experience. We fail often, but it does seem to me that little by little we are learning to do this more and more.

I can't remember if I posted this in the past or not, so I'll do it again for good measure.....:) We have closed Evan's donation account to Chase Bank, as they were withdrawing monthly charges out of his account. Currently, the only account we have open is the one through Bank of Whitman.

Thank you for everyone's continued love, prayers, encouragement and support!! We know and feel God's Loving Arms wrapped around each of us and our home! May God be totally glorified in and through our lives and home!


David and Trena