Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jan/Feb Update 2010

Evan had his 1st IV Chemotherapy in Richland this last Monday, the 15th. It went well and he is scheduled to do all future IV Chemo treatments at Kadlec Hospital in Richland, rather than Seattle. We have appointments set up in Seattle on March 5 for an MRI and blood work. We will then pick up Evan's oral chemo meds for the 2nd round of chemo. The oral meds is the worst part of each 6 week round for Evan. He gets really sick and last time he spent those 3 plus days vomiting and sleeping excessively.

His Chemo routine is based on a 6 week schedule with Days 1 - 2 - 3 and part of 4th day being given oral chemo every 6 hrs round the clock. Day 14 is the IV Chemo and it is administered at Kadlec after routine blood work is drawn. Day 28 is the last IV Chemo at Kadlec Hospital after routine blood work. The end of this round is on Day 42 and then another round starts with Day 1....etc....At the beginning of each round we make an overnight trip to Seattle to see his oncologist, do blood work and pick up his oral chemo meds for the next round. Every other time we will be scheduled for an MRI. The plan is to do this for one year.

We are getting copies of Evan's blood work results each time and quite truthfully, it is distressing to see his blood counts decrease and also his weight dropping little by little. The dr. and nurses don't seem to be too overly concerned with these stats, but they do concern me.

I would be putting up a front if I said, "All is well.....Evan and we are doing great." Peace of heart and mind have been a struggle, so I ask that you continue to remember us in your thoughts and prayers. God's got a plan - it's just that right now I don't understand it and/or may even be in denial that this might be the path we are to walk down. I do know that my heart aches like it probably never has before. Words cannot describe the waves of emotion as our son is being given such powerful chemicals/meds knowing that our hands are tied. It's a helpless feeling of not knowing how to comfort your child and feeling guilty for allowing this to happen.

But I have to remember God has a plan and sees the bigger picture. So hard to do, but a walk/journey that takes a lot of faith. Ultimately, we know we serve an AWESOME God that does love and care for us. I do know that, although sometimes my emotions tell me differently. (Maybe kind of like a child that gets into trouble and may not feel like his parents love him or maybe like a child that wants to do one thing and the parent tells him, "No, we are going to do this.")'s not about us but about bringing Glory to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Sometimes (actually, a lot of times) we get so wrapped up in our lives here on earth that we forget this life here on earth is just a layover, and that our final destination is HEAVEN. I need to remind myself of this more often.

Despite all the chemo, Evan continues his natural vitamins and herbs. Thank you for your continued support in prayers, donations, friendship, love and encouragement. May God glorify Himself in and through our lives and home!


David and Trena