Friday, October 16, 2009

Update from August - October 16, 2009

Evan's MRI on the 28th of August was done in Seattle at Children's Hospital. He also had an appointment with an opthomologist in Seattle at Children's. It was a very full day of appointments and then having to drive home in rush hour Seattle traffic!

His oncologist said that there was not significant growth from the MRI that was taken in August to the one taken in May. So, his recommendation was to do another MRI in 3-4 months and continue with this routine until we see significant growth (to which we would have to start chemotherapy) or decrease in size (which would hopefully over time, stretch out the time span that we do the MRI's).

His opthomologist appointment brought some surprises for us that we were not aware of. Evan has 20/40 vision in his right eye (not abnormal for his age) and "counting fingers" vision in his left eye. The dr. said that this was most likely caused from the tumor itself and/or from his surgery 2 years ago. She said the damage was permanent. The dr. checked his retina and eyeball and everything was normal.

Yesterday, the 13th of October, we had an appointment with Evan's natureopath. Since there were not any significant changes from the two MRI's, he changed some of his natural meds and is putting him on some stronger anti-oxidants and such.

We are so thankful for God's faithfulness in our home, family and Evan's life! He has proven His faithfulness again and again! We are also so thankful for everyone's prayers, support, encouragement and monetary gifts.

Evan's bank account funds that are set up in his name have been such a blessing. So many people have been generous and have donated on his behalf. What a blessing this has been!! We have used these donations to help pay for the nutritional supplements that his natureopath has him on and that his insurance will not cover.

Evan is on 6 different supplement/natural meds and one of them he has to take 2 capsules 6 times a day! When we went to his appointment yesterday, the bill was over $250. I have estimated that it costs approximately $300 per month just for these meds/supplements. Sometimes a little more and sometimes just under that amount.

Again, we are so thankful that we have the funds in these accounts to cover his expenses. Thank you so much for donating and remembering to pray for us and Evan. We feel our lives being bathed in them and the sustaining power of God's love overshadowing us each and every day!

Our prayer is that God would use our lives, home and family to glorify Him in all that we do and say and all that we go through in this life here on earth. May God ALWAYS be glorified!


David and Trena