Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25, 2009

A note from Trena:

I thought this would be the best way to let alot of people know what is going on with Evan. We are headed to Seattle on this Thursday afternoon for Evan's appointments on Friday morning. He is scheduled for his MRI, pediatric optomoligist and oncologist appointments. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we travel and for the MRI results. This is a HUGE thing as the results from this MRI will determine if we will start chemo on Evan.

A side-note from me:

Please keep Trena in your prayers during this time. When faced with unknowns - especially BIG unknowns - sometimes they can (and do) block out the fact that WE KNOW God is in control and His promise that He will never leave us or forsake. So, while praying for Evan, the doctors, technicians, etc...please don't forget (which I'm sure you won't!) to pray for his momma as well - that she will be strong and that she will be comforted (and reminded) that bigger arms are carrying her and Evan through this time.

Also pray for the family left at home! David will be a busy papa tending to his chicks!

I will be posting updates as I get them.

Many blessings -