Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007 Update

Hi all...

Here is the latest news from Trena:

Evan had an EEG done on Monday and can be officially gradually taken off his seizure medication. He is doing really well and that they are expecting God to touch Evan in a miraculous way, all ultimately bring glory to God's name and kingdom.

David and Trena are planning on looking at having him seen by a natural alternative doctor in the Seattle area. God seems to be leading in that direction and they are taking one day at a time.

I will update as I receive more news. For those of you that do not get to see Evan regularly, he is looking fantastic and is such a busy boy! I had the pleasure of sitting with him during church a few Sundays ago and he sat quietly through the entire service flipping through my Bible...first one way and then the other. He also spent some time drawing pictures on my notepad. In my observation, he does not seem to have any lasting side-effects from his earlier surgery and treatments. He is such a happy little fellow!

Blessings to all of you! Please continue to lift Evan and all of the Gimmaka's up in prayer.