Friday, October 5, 2007

Update from September 27, 2007

Evan had his check up today. His fluid level on the brain has gone down considerably. The shunt setting is now at 2.0, which means Evan's body is doing most of the work getting the fluid off the brain. There was a bit of blood in the fluid, most likely from a typical toddler fall, so when they adjusted the shunt last week, it drained most of that fluid off.

The tumor is continuing to grow faster than anticipated, however, the doctor feels that surgery at this time would not be the best option for several reasons. One, being the location of the tumor, which would allow them to only remove about 50% of the tumor. Another reason is that they feel Evan could suffer a stroke during the procedure.

The doctor believes that starting oral chemotherapy would be the best option for Evan right now. All the doctors involved with his care will be meeting soon to discuss the options, and if they are all on board with chemo being the best option, it will most likely begin sometime in October.

Please continue to keep Evan and the rest of the Gimmaka's in your prayers. God is the Great Physician and He is the one that knit Evan together in the womb.

Blessings to you all -
Camille (on behalf of the Gimmaka's)